Body, Mind, and Spirit

Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom

How do we open the doorways to authentic love, power, and wisdom? The answer lies in our inner Life Force―and The Master Key teaches us how to unlock it.


There are three centers that hold vast amounts of Qi energy deep inside your body. These three Energy Centers regulate your capacity for wisdom, love, and vitality. The relative strength of these qualities determines your energy type.

If you can tap wisdom more easily than love, for example, you may be brilliant but emotionally blocked and unable to open your heart and connect with others deeply. Or if you express love more easily than wisdom you may have a noble heart full of good intentions but timing your actions wisely becomes an issue. In most of us, one of these centers tends to be stronger than the other two and one center tends to be weaker than the other two. This energetic imbalance manifest as an imbalance in daily life since Qi and life reflect each other.

However, once we can harmonize the flow of these three Dantians through empowering the Central Meridian, we are like tapping a wellspring of inner joy that fills our body with radiant vitality and puts a perpetual smile in our heart, a state of unconditional happiness. Unconditional happiness is happiness without a cause. This kind of childlike happiness is the cherished goal of Qigong.

In this workshop, Robert brings together the unique insights of his teacher of Four Golden Wheels and the foundational methods for gathering, refining, and using the Life Force. We will explore the nature of Qi energy and the theory behind these Energy Centers. Then we shift from theory to practice by awakening, activating, and harmonizing our internal energy using two special empowerment practices known as Hologram Palm Empowerment and the Breathing Empowerment. Finally, you learn some special movements, chanting and meditation to deepen the connection between your internal energies and the energies of Heaven and Earth. We will learn:

• A five-minute exercise to directly experience the reality of Qi energy - Awakening Awareness
• Awakening the body's three Dantian centers - Hologram Palm Empowerments
• Practices for strengthening your Qi reservoirs - Four Golden Wheels Exercises
• The discovery of your True Self through Qigong's tools of self-inquiry - Three Treasures Standing Meditation
• Empowering your relationships and sexual intimacy - Central Meridian Empowerment
• Entering the sea of compassion and happiness - Lotus Meditation
and much more…

The workshop is open to everyone.

Harmony Qigong

Flow like water

When water flows freely it is pure and clean like a mountain stream. You can drink this water safely. It is rich in minerals and it tastes delicious. But if you blocked the flow and this same water stagnated, it would become murky and attract disease.

Similarly, when Qi energy flows smoothly through the body our internal organs absorb this radiant force and they feel nourished and satisfied. When our internal organs are happy, we feel great.

But when we experience chronic stress the body tightens and blockages form. These obstructions reduce the amount of Qi flow. The fresh mountain stream becomes a series of stagnant ponds of murky Qi. The internal organs are deprived of vitality and they weaken. Symptoms appear and eventually diseases form.

The Qigong exercises taught in this workshop use gentle movement to chip away at the blockages and reinvigorate the flow of Qi energy. As the obstructions disappear symptoms go away and youthful vitality is regained.

Practices taught:

  • 8 Cycles

  • Small Heavenly Circuit (Microcosmic Orbit)

Guardian Qigong

Boost your inner power

When our internal organs are strong and healthy we radiate an energy field that protects the body from the environment.

This energy field is called Guardian Qi.

Strong Guardian Qi enhances the immune system. Some Qigong Masters meditate outdoors in wintertime for hours by generating internal heat. They are covered by an invisible blanket of warm Guardian Qi and don’t catch cold.

Guardian Qi acts like a bullet proof vest that also protects from mental and emotional stress. The connection between health and stress is well known and in Qigong that connection depends on the condition of our Guardian Qi.

In this workshop we focus on empowering the internal organs through internal organ purification meditation and by practicing a special exercise known as 4 Cycles that originates from the fabled Shaolin Temple to concentrate Guardian Qi.

This Workshop Includes:

  • 4 Cycles

  • Huo Lu Gong (internal organ purification meditation)

Seasonal Qigong Empowerment

Seven Days of Meditation to De-stress and Rejuvenate

When the Sun shines on the planet at a special angle, huge energy releases from the Earth to mix with the Sun energy and empower everything on the planet, like the energy of the four seasons. Our ancient masters meditated with this energy and through their insightfulness, they found out that there are not 4 but 24 seasons, and they called each mini season Jieqi. Each jieqi lasts about 15 days. What’s more, they also realized each Jieqi is connected to one of our vertebrae, and they developed 24 specific meditation and movement practices to leverage that energy and to empower each vertebra, and created the Seasonal Empowerment Series. LEARN MORE AND SUBSCRIBE

Upgrade Yourself Daily

Seven Days of Meditation to De-stress and Rejuvenate

For each of these 7 days, we will spend about 45-60 minutes to work on a particular theme and with energy cultivation and practice. Robert will teach some specific healing sound and meditations each day to clear the stressful energy from each organ, like a spring cleaning for every room of your house! You will learn how to recharge each organ with positive energy just like you reorganize your house. Each day, by cleansing and rebalancing, you will harmonize your body and mind and balance your Yin and Yang. Then you can become a true master at harnessing your emotional horses so that everyday can be a good day! LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

Awaken Your Inner Power Through Qigong and Xi Breathing

Breath, Movement & Meditation Guided by a Master to Elevate Joy & Vitality

Order-On-Demand to join the course anytime

Join Robert for a new 7-week course and discover the spiritual abundance that awaits you. Robert will guide you to reinvigorate your energy flow, clear blockages, and cultivate a sense of wellbeing — through Xi Breathing techniques, the 8 Cycles Movement, and other Qigong practices that balance breath, movement, and meditation.

Live Long Qigong

Cultivate Clarity, Balance, Flexibility & Energy for Life

Order-On-Demand to join the course anytime

Join Robert for a 7-week course to unlock the secrets of longevity, radiant health, and bold, graceful aging using the healing 312+8 Qigong Program — a gentle and effective elixir of life.

Yin & Yang Qigong

Open All Your Meridians to Unlock Unlimited Energy, Focus & Potential

Order-On-Demand to join the course anytime

Join Robert for a new 9-week course to acquire new practices to activate, energize, and empower six pairs of Yin and Yang organs, culminating in a practice featuring all 12 meridians — to improve the circulation of your energy for optimally healthy, holistic, and integrated wellbeing.